How To Loop Inside JSX Syntax In React 16?

How do we generate React components by looping through an array of items inside JSX syntax?

Let's build a simple React application:

Application screenshot
Figure 1. Our application.

You can find the full source code in this GitHub repository.

Our application is going to render a list of months. It will be made of two components: App and Month.

Let's create the App component first:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import Month from "./Month";

const MONTHS = [
    name: "January",
    number: 1
    name: "February",
    number: 2
    name: "March",
    number: 3
    name: "April",
    number: 4
    name: "May",
    number: 5
    name: "June",
    number: 6
    name: "July",
    number: 7
    name: "August",
    number: 8
    name: "September",
    number: 9
    name: "October",
    number: 10
    name: "November",
    number: 11
    name: "December",
    number: 12

class App extends Component {
  createMonthElement = month => <Month month={month} key={month.number} />;

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="container">
        <div className="row">
          <div className="col-md-4 offset-md-4 mt-5 mb-5">
            <ul className="list-group">

export default App;

Code snippet 1. App.js

First, let's focus on its render method:

render() {
  return (
    <div className="container">
      <div className="row">
        <div className="col-md-4 offset-md-4 mt-5 mb-5">
          <ul className="list-group">

Code snippet 2. App.js

We see three div elements with class names that you might recognize if you're familiar with Bootstrap. Bootstrap helps us create layout for our page.

Inside of the div elements we have a ul element that has a JavaScript expression wrapped in { and }:


Code snippet 3. App.js

We can add JavaScript expressions inside of JSX syntax. JSX syntax itself is an expression too. In that JavaScript expression we're looping through an array called MONTHS and for each item in that array we call this.createMonthElement method and pass an array item as an argument to it.

As you have guessed, the this.createMonthElement method returns another JSX expression that renders a month name. Let's take a look at it:

createMonthElement = month => <Month month={month} key={month.number} />;

Code snippet 4. App.js

The createMonthElement method gets month as a parameter and returns an instance of Month component with month and key props.

The month is an object with month name and number for example:

  name: "January",
  number: 1

Code snippet 5. App.js

It makes sense why we pass month object to Month component as a prop, but why do we need to pass the key prop? When we create React elements dynamically we need to help React to uniquely identify those elements, so that React could figure out how to update the DOM efficiently.

Now let's take a look at the Month component:

import React from "react";

const Month = props => <li className="list-group-item">{}</li>;

export default Month;

Code snippet 6. Month.js

As you can see, the Month component renders li element with month name:

<li className="list-group-item">{}</li>

Code snippet 7. Month.js

Now you know how to loop through array of elements inside of JSX in React.

Thank you for reading this React tutorial!

Please take a look at the complete source code on GitHub and the live version of our app.

I hope you've enjoyed this tutorial and I would love to hear your feedback in the comments. You can get in touch with me via Twitter and email.

Artemij Fedosejev

Artemij Fedosejev